Offering self-worth outreach to women and teens since 2006.

We are bombarded with the idea that if you are successful, attractive, and well liked, then you have value. These messages we battle everyday are leading to depression, inadequacy, and collapse. Plastic surgery, bullying among teen girls, perfection in the media, and eating disorders are only some of the indicators that we need more support.

It’s time for a new message.

Cauliflower Retreat offers a revolutionary new self-worth support network, bringing self-worth support into your home and community. We are an outreach program designed to empower women and teens using positive messages of self-worth. As part of our code of ethics we are not a treatment program and our team is instructed not to act outside scope of practice. Rather, our focus is on prevention by building self-worth, and strengthening your sense of value. Our outreach programs are propelled from our series of products and workbooks that promote self-worth.

We are here to bring out the best in you.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Under Pressure

Under Pressure was a huge success and we can't wait to share it with more schools! Thanks to everyone that supported and helped us out in so many ways!

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